The Prophet of Allah (peace be on him) said:
"The doomsday will fall after the appearance of three Anti-christs, each one of them claiming himself to be the messenger of God".
According to another tradition, he said:
"I am the last of the prophets. There is absolutely no Prophet after me" The Prophet of Allah, who was the spokesman of divine revelation, expressed the divine will and spoke nothing but the truth.
The first Anti-christ, Musailma, appeared in the first century A.M. and the second Anti-christ, Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, appeared in the fourteenth century. Both of them claim prophet-hood and messenger-ship. The second claimant, however, outstripped the first in exaggeration and perversion: he asserted his unqualified superiority over all the prophets and messengers of God; he reviled them and stigmatized them; he rebuked them and abused them. Similarly he attacked the honour of Hasan and Hussain and the wives and sympathisers of the Prophet of God. He ridiculed the Prophet's pious companions, the bearers of the banner of Islam, the propagators of the pure Sunnah, the founding fellows of the Prophet and the saints and the elite of the Ummah. Despite their brazen-faced denigration of the faith of Islam and its most committed adherents, Oadiyanis have the cheek to call themselves Muslims and to announce their unifying faith in the basic tenets of Islam. Does any one of the Muslims believe that anyone is superior to Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and Ali, in piety and humility? Does any one of us believe that someone could surpass Hasan and Hussain, leaders of eternal youth, in stature and dignity? who could believe in his senses that someone is superior to the person or persons whose excellence has been established through divine commands? Any one who holds such beliefs and convictions is either insane or a non-believer. Similarly anyone who ridicules the Prophets and the companions of the prophets is certainly gone off his rocker, he is a victim of delusion and hallucination and the only way to cure him is to give him a beating of his life because he is hardly moved by courtesy and decency. The Qadiyani pretender minces no words in establishing his superiority and elevation over the saints of the Ummah of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
"Undoubtedly thousands of saints are born into the Ummah of Muhammad (peace be on him) but no one is like me (i am above each one of them).
About Hasan and Hussain he says: "They are annoyed with me because I prefer myself over Hussain. This preference is justified by the fact that his name is not mentioned in the Quran; on the other hand, the name of Zaid is mentioned. Had it been the divine intention to assert the superiority of Hussain, his name would have been spelled out in the Quran. As far as genealogical factors are concerned, his superiority is disestablished by the divine injunction; 'Muhammad was not a father of anyone of your men; but he was a messenger of God''.
He further stated:
"They say I regard myself superior to Hasan and Hussain. I say, yes! I am superior to the two and God will soon show this superiority''.
Worse than this is what the son of GhuJam Ahmad and his second successor blurted out in his Friday sermon at Qadiyan which was published in the Qadiyani paper "Alfadl" of twenty-sixth January 1926:
"Truly my father said: Hundred Hussains are in my pocket. People understand this to mean that he is equal to hundred Hussains. But his superiority is graded even higher. The sacrifice of an hour in the service of the faith (Islam) by my father is better than the sacrifice of hundred Hussains". The Qadiyani newspaper "AI-Hakam" published his spurious vindication of self-elevation:
"Give up your quarrel over the old Khilafat. Take to the new Khilafat. The living All is in the midst of you. You forsake him and crave for Ali the dead". The liar and the pretender feels puffed up by a sense of self-preference and pours out a great deal of flimflam about men who were the dearest to the Prophet (peace be on him) and tries to establish his superiority over them:
"I am the Mehdi about whom Ibn Seereen replied to the question- Has he the same staus as Abu Bakr has? in the words: What is Abu Bakr in comparison? He is even more elevated than some of the Prophets".
His son and successor remarked:
"The status of Abu Bakr was achieved by hundreds of followers of Muhammad''.
Another Qadiyani wrote:
He heard one of the Qadiyani missionaries who was a member of the family (the progeny of Ghulam Ahmad) saying: ''There is hardly any comparison between the first two caliphs (Abu Bakr and Omar) and Ghulam Ahmad. They do not even deserve to carry his shoes''. The Qadiyanis are notorious for their quackery and charlatanry. May God protect all Muslims from their remarks full of bile and guile.
It is the height of skulduggery that a dirty, worthless, Pharisaical and Machiavellian person like Ghulam Ahmad should dare to vie with the two sublime souls whom God gave tidings of salvation and forgiveness during their life time. The Prophet ( peace be on him ) said: "Abu Bakr and Omar are the two leaders of grown-up men in Paradise from the first to the last, except the prophets and the messengers''.
He added:
"Each prophet had two ministers or advisers from among the dwellers of the earth. My earthly ministers are Abu Bakr and Omar". The Prophet of God said about Abu Bakr:
"He is the first one who will be invited from all the gates of Paradise".
The Prophet SAW also said:
"Out of all people who gave me company and trusted me with their wealth, (the first) was Abu Bakr. If I were to take a companion, I would take Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr is a living symbol of Islamic fraternity".
About Omar the Prophet (peace be on him) said:
"Were there to be a Prophet after me, it would have been Omar".
He further said:
''There is no doubt that God has placed truth on the tongue and in the heart of Omar".
"Satan will not meet you crossing a path unless he treads a path other than yours".
He further added:
"He found himself in Paradise by the side of Omar's palace".
The Qadiyanis are guilty of a hideous inversion when they compare their leader, who is not only a cheat but also an opium — addict, with the saintly figures of Abu Bakr and Omar, and the comparison simply degenerates into an exercise of sheer derangement when they stress the saintly-ness (which is in fact disguised devilishness) of their leader at the cost of the two most venerable caliphs of the truly Islamic state. And, mind you, it is not me who is accusing the super-devil of these satanic characteristics, but it is the Qadiyanis themselves, who are not ignorant of the darkest side of his personality. Here is what his son and second successor says:
"Since opium is extensively used in the preparation of medicine, my father used to say that opium is half of medical science. For this reason, the use of opium for medical purpose is quite legal and there is no religious objection against it either on medical grounds. He (Ghulam Ahmad) prepared a medicine named as Tiryaq-i-llahi' under the direct guidance and supervision of God. In this medicine, the largest ingredient was that of opium. He used to give this medicine to his first Khalifah, Noor-ud-Din. He also used it occasionally as a treatment for different diseases".
What a brazen, impudent and unashamed confession! What an ugly demonstration of deception and ventriloquism! How he intends to legalize opium and deceive people, making a wily claim that he prepares it under the command and guidance of God — brushing aside what the Lord of Muhammad (peace be on him) laid down:
"There is no cure in the forbidden (things)".
The unlawful thing may be of any kind, not to talk of opium alone which even the general public abhor. But it is really abominable and repulsive when we contrast high-sounding claims of prophet-hood and sky-rocketing boasts of superiority with hopeless addiction to opium and other euphoric medicines. Another Qadiyani endorses this confession unwittingly and confirms the opium addiction of the pretender. The owner of a printing press says:
"When he (Ghulam Ahmad) came to my press for the first time and sat in a chair and started talking about the book (which he intended publishing), I formed the impression from his sleepy, half closed eyes that he used marijuana or opium like most members of the affluent classes. But I now realize retrospectively that the intoxication which I saw in his eyes was not that of heroin or opium but was the intoxication which i saw in his eyes was not that of heroin or opium but was the intoxication of the knowledge of God".
As far as wine is concerned, Ghulam Ahmad wrote a letter to one of his followers at Lahore "to send him 'wine' and purchase it from the shop of a man known as 'Plomer'. When Plomer was questioned about the specification of wine, he replied: "Wine is a strong intoxicant which is imported in sealed bottles from England".
Another Qadiyani testifies to the fact that Ghulam Ahmad was not only an opium addict but also a wine bibber.
Basharat Ali, a practititioner of indigenous medicines at Qadiyan says: "What is wrong with the use of Brandy or Rum during illness? What wrong did our Imam commit if he used it or permitted its use on account of illness especially when it is known that he had a weak constitution, had cold hands and 'feet and had - irregular pulse-beat? Drinking in these conditions is not a violation of the religious law. It is, on the other hand the religious law''.
0 Holy God! What perjury! What bunkum and baloney! What hogwash and blarney! What representation and mis-projection! Why is it not pronounced clearly that drinking is legal according to the religious law bestowed upon us by Ghulam Ahmad? Is legalization of drinking more abominable than his confession of drinking, his outrageous and perverse pilfering of the mantle of prophet-hood, his arraignment of Abu Bakr and Omar — yes, Omar the Zealous who did not slacken in his persistent prohibition of drinking till God Almighty revealed:
"(Dedication of) stones. And divination by arrows are an abomination: they are Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abomination that you may prosper". And here is this sycophant and stooge who, in his oath of fealty from his followers, lays down that they should be obedient to the infidel-istic British Government, preferring himself over the two martyred Imams (Hasan and Hussain) for whose sake the Prophet (peace be on him) descended from the pulpit, picked them up and made them sit in the front row while delivering the sermon" and about whom he remarked "the two leaders of the youth in Paradise — Hasan and Hussain''.
But the malice and ire of this liar and pretender is not exhausted by these blasphemous mis-statements and misinter pretations. He dishonours some of the companions of the Prophet (peace be on him) by ridiculing them in the most absurd manner, He wrote: "Indeed, Abu Huraira was stupid. He lacked sound knowledge and correct information". He added: "Some of the companions (of the Prophet) were fools".
The fact is that he himself is foolish and resembles some, of the characters tn Aesop's fables in his asinine stupidity and mulish stubbornness. He writes about himself: "My memory is extremely poor. I easily lose count of a person who has met me a number of times. The condition has become so acute that it is not possible to describe it in words"
The fact is that his foolishness turned into a kind of mental derangement: he wore his socks inside out; he put his right foot in the left shoe and left foot in the right shoe, reversing the normal order of wearing shoes. Out of extreme idiocy, he used to eat sods (pieces of solid earth) which he carried in his pocket for hygienic cleansing or "dry cleaning", thinking that they were chunks of sugar-candy. Bashir Ahmad Qadiyani describes some of his eccentricities and idiocies:
"Muhammad Ismail, the medical practitioner (Qadiyani) related to me that our Imam was a simpleton to the extent that sometimes, when he wore socks, he placed the heels at the top of his foot, and put the foot in a hole other than the one before him, sometimes the lower, and sometimes the upper. Sometimes, one of the friends would bring a European shoe as a gift; he did not know the right from the left. For this reason he usually preferred a pair of simple shoes which did not discriminate between the right and the left. The same applied to his meals: He himself told us on occasions "I do not know what I eat till I feel a piece of stone or something similar in the meal between my teeth".
Another disciple of the liar writes:
"Ghulam Ahmad loved sugar candy very much. He also suffered from urinary trouble. He stuffed his pokcet with pieces of dry clay presuming they were nuggets of sugar-candy. This shows how be relished the candy. Sometimes he gobbled clay-pieces taking them to be sugar".
What an irony and what an absurdity and what an exercise in the art of the grotesque that a stupid person and a half-wit like him tries to make a fool of the companions of the Prophet (peace be on him). Encouraged by his tomfoolery and foolhardiness, he even declares himself superior to the two great soldiers of Islam, Abu Bakr and Omar and to all the comapnions.
A few illustrations of his foolhardiness are not out of place. About his superiority to Adam he says: "God created Adam and made him an effective leader and commander over all the sentient beings as is apparent from His words: 'Prostrate before Adam', then Satan misled him and God expelled him from Paradise. The authority then was vested in Satan and Adam was humbled and belittled . . . then Allah created me so that I should defeat Satan and this is what He has promised in the Quran" (The difference between Adam and the Promised Messiah by Ghulam Ahmad). He wrote: "God made me Adam and endowed me with all that he had bestowed upon him . . . this is because God had intended from the very beginning to create an Adam who would be the last of (His) vicegerents — in the same way as in the beginning he had created an Adam who was his first vicegerent". Clarifying this Mahmood Ahmad says: "God commanded the angels to be subservient and obedient to Adam. When this was true of the first why should it not be true of the second Adam — the Promised Messiah, who is higher than Adam, the first that fire should be his slave, nay, the slave of his slaves".
He judges himself to be superior to the prophet of the Great Lord, who stayed in the midst of his nation for fifty years short of a thousand, inviting them to the glory of God, delivering sermons to them and guiding them to the straight oath — one who suffered extremely in the path of God, underwent terrible trial, neither for personal aggrandizement, nor for the sake of money or status, but raising aloft the word of God — one who said to his nation:
"0 my people! I do not ask of you any wealth in return, for my recompense lies exclusively with God .
Over him prefers his self a person who served Imperialism, worshiped the English and begged to be rewarded for his services without the slightest display of scruples and the east amount of conscience pricking. The passage given below exhibits the extent and magnitude of his servility and slobbering cajolery. The letter from which the passage is taken is addressed to the viceroy:
"Eighteen years have passed since I have been busy in compiling books which will induce feelings of love, obedience and friendship for you in the hearts of the Muslims. This is inspite of the fact that the majority of Muslim divines hate me. On account of such thoughts, their hearts are afire with rage and rancour. I, however, am convinced that they are an ignorant lot. They do not know that one who does not thank people does not thank the Lord and that the expression of gratitude to a benefactor is like expression of thanks to God. This is our belief. But it is a pity that our good Government did not have a deep look at these compilations which are full of faithfulness and love for the Government. This is notwithstanding the fact that I have already brought it to their notice a number of times. Now I submit to your Excellency once again in this petition of mine that you may take notice of these books and peruse the marked passages. The English Government may appreciate that these unbroken efforts over the last eighteen years are mainly designed to bring round the Muslims to obey the Government and to inculcate obedience in their hearts, and may allow his missionaries to stay in foreign countries for their sake. What is the purpose and aim of these books? Why are they published and dispatched"?
The passage reveals a glaring incompatibility between the one who spent his whole life summoning people towards the workshop of God and the one who spends it in the service of the Imperialist. He has no qualms when he boasts: "He spent his whole life in the service of the British Government and remained busy the whole length of nineteen years in compiling books which guide and direct people towards the necessity of serving this Government, and impress particularly on the minds of the Muslims that they should openly declare their faithfulness and sincerity to their Government. To this end have I written some books in Arabic, some in Persian, and I have circulated them in countries far and wide so that the Muslims of all places should bow before the British Government in complete submission which springs from the heart and the soul".
In another book he says:
"The number of books I have published has reached fifteen thousand. I have published them everywhere — in Mecca, in Medina, Constantinople, Syria, Egypt and in Afghanistan. I have given publcity to these to the possible limit. These books have borne fruit because hundreds of thousands of Muslims who believed in Jehad (fighting in the way of the Lord) have given up this unholy belief which had taken roots in their hearts and was taught by the ignorant divines. This is the distinguished service I have rendered to the promotion of the British cause and no one among the Indian Muslims has the power to render such a glorious service''.
Believing himself to be superior to God's prophet Noah this lousy braggart remarks:
"God has revealed signs and distinctive proofs to establish the truth of my claim in such a number that if these had been revealed to Noah, not a soul among his followers would have drowned. But my opponents! They are like a blind man who refuses to acknowledge the brightness of the day and confuses it with the darkness of the night".
He identifies himself with Joseph who would not accept a high office until the women who had cut their hands attested to his innocence and chastity, the one who preferred imprisonment to sullying the honour of the wife of Aziz of Egypt. This poser and imposter compares himself to a prophet of God, the son of a prophet of God about whom Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Noble one, son of noble one, son of noble one (i.e., Prophet Joseph}".
This Qadiyani, the perfidious son of a perfidious father, has the cheek to remark that "he far excels and is far superior to him".
He himself is the one who fell in love with a poor woman who was related to him. He made up his mind to exploit the poverty of her parents. His attitude towards her father varied according to his moods and tantrums. He praised him and terrified him in the same breath. He blew hot and cold at the same time. Sometimes he would cajole,him and sometimes he would annoy him. He divorced his aged wife when his lust and infatuation reached the point of no return. The mam cause for divorcing his old wife was that she did not help and mediate in trapping the other woman. Similarly, he forsook his son because he also proved a thorn in his flesh and did not help him in the realization of his nefarious designs. He ordered his second son to divorce his wife because she too had played a passive and a negative role in hooking up the woman. She was related to his beloved who was the neice of her mother. While the son was prevaricating, he issued a threat, if he did not divorce her, he would be deprived of inheritance, the treatment that had been extended to his brother. This daughter-in-law of Ghulam had not committed any sin. Her only fault was that she had refused to play the role of a pimp for her father-in-law who was growing dotty and lecherous with age, and who had become so advanced in his cupidity that he lost all sense of decorum and moral propriety. She was divorced only to satisfy the sexual vanity of a lecherous father-in-law. But the lechery of a disgruntled p!g knew no limits. He cut off all family and filial ties. He threatened everyone with divine punishment who opposed his marriage to the lady of his heart. The reason given was that the beloved had been married to him in heavens, and if anyone married her, he would die immediately; that she must return to him after being widowed; and that this return to him and her marriage with him was absolutely predestined. But the poor lover died unfulfilled. His beloved married someone else and lived by the side of her husband, his arch rival, filling him impotent rage. Can such a person compare himself Joseph whose life was a model of virtue and piety? But he goes further and claims his superiority over him:
''The Joseph of this nation, that is, me the meek and humble, is far better than the Joseph of Israel, for, God Himself has borne witness to my innocence and through ,»rous signs while Joseph, son of Jacob, needed evidence human beings".
You liar, who fell for a poor woman, you are mere and German silver compared with Joseph son of Jacob son of Isac son of Abraham who kept himself aloof from the wife of Aziz of Egypt and the towns-women. You blackmailing transgressor, you varnished fake, you embellished phoney, you dolled-up fibber, you tartuffish rogue, you mealymouthed rascal! you, the vilest of persons, dare to compare yourself with a prophet of God! and you try to exploit the indigence and helplessness of a relative who came to seek your help and advice in his hour of trouble and you reply to him in these words:
"My noble brother Ahmad Beg, may God keep you safe. When, last night, after my meditations prayers, I fell asleep, I dreamt that God commands me to inform you to marry your elder daughter to me so that you may deserve His charity and blessings. His rewards and honour, and that he may put an end to your trials and tribulations. If, however, you do not give your daughter to me, you might fall victim to His displeasure and retribution. I have communicated to you God's order so that you may receive His rewards and the treasures of bliss may be laid open before you. You know that I respect you and honour you and consider you to be a practicing believer. I am proud of your sense of loyalty and integrity. I am also prepared to execute the legal documents that you brought to me. Besides, all my possessions are for you and for God. I am also prepared to recommend your son Aziz Beg to secure employment in the Police service as I intend to get him married to the daughter of a very rich follower of mine".
He writes in another letter to Ahmad Beg: "If you give your daughter in marriage to me, I shall bestow upon you a big portion of my garden, my landed- property. I shall give to your daughter one third of all I possess. I am telling you the truth. I shall give you whatever you demand and ask for. You will not find a person like me''.
When he realized that all of his temptations had fallen on deaf ears and failed to secure the desired effect, he flew into one of his tantrums and wrote to the father-in-law of his son whose wife was the sister of Ahmad Beg;
"Respected Ali Sher Beg! I have heard that Ahmad Beg does not intend marrying his daughter to me but to someone else. I expect you to mediate on my behalf because you are qualified on account of your kinship with her — and force them to marry her to me. Am I a sweeper or from a mean lineage that they are discarding me and giving her to someone else? I had sent a registered letter to your wife but never received a reply from her. On the contrary, I have heard that she remarked about me: This mean fellow barely escaped death. We cannot do anything for him''.
"Now I warn you that if you do not help me and Ahmad Beg marries her off to someone else, you will receive the divorce of your daughter, who is married to my son Fazal Ahmad, the very day this girl is married''.
And it is a fact that Ali Sher's daughter was divorced after this girl was married off. His second son was deprived of inheritance as he had not severed connections with his inlaws. Ghulam Ahmad also divorced his aged wife as she too -iad failed to come up to his expectations.
The mad lover yearned, burned and churned in the anguish of separation, deluding himself with the hope that perhaps her husband who was a soldier in the army might die. He wrote: "I have moaned before Allah and I have implored Him. So it was revealed to me; "Soon shall I show them My sign that she is separated from her husband and her parents die within three years and this woman returns to you. No one can prevent this from happening."
But God did not fulfill any of his predictions as they were self-fabricated. The soldier, who played with fire and ammunition, did not die, much against the expectations of the liar-pretender. On the contrary this mad lover, who invented dreams and entertained treacherous desires, himself kicked the bucket whereas his successful rival lived for twenty years after him.
A man like him claims excellence over and rivalry with a person whose chastity was attested by the women of Egypt, the chief among them being the wife of Aziz:
"By God! we have not known anything evil against him". The wife of Aziz said: ,,"Now has truth become eminently clear. I tried to seduce him but. he is one of the truthful".
God Himself remarked about him; "Truly, he is one of our sincere servants", on whom "He bestowed authority and knowledge" and whom "He taught the interpretation of dreams and described him as Truthful Trustworthy".
Now we narrate how Ghulam Ahmad claims himself to be superior to Jesus about whom God has said: "We granted to Jesus, son of Mary signs and helped him with the Holy Spirit"
And "Indeed, Messiah, son of Mary, is Messenger of Allah and His Word".
God described him in His own language. "Indeed! I am a slave of Allah! He granted me a book and made me a Prophet and made me blessed wherever I be; and has bequeathed me with prayers and alms as long as I live; He is kind to my mother; and He has not made me a hard-hearted tyrant; blessed is the day I was born, the day I shall die and the day I shall be resurrected alive". But this slobbering and humble servant of the British imperialists remarks about Jesus:
"God has sent from this very nation a Messiah whose status is higher than that of the first Messiah by many degrees. By Allah in whose grip is my soul, had Jesus been alive in the age in which I live, he would have been incapable of doing what I do (if this means being Agent of imperialism and servility of the infidels, it is correct), it would not have been possible for him to exhibit the signs which I exhibit".
He also says: "Jesus son of Mary is from me and I am from Allah. Blessed is one who recognizes me and doomed is the one from whose eyes
remain hidden''.
His son writes: "My father said that he is superior to Adam, Noah and Jesus. For Satan expelled Adam out of paradise while he will send them to Paradise. The Jews crucified Jesus whereas he will break the cross. He is superior to Noah as his eldest son was deprived of true guidance whereas his son entered the right path".
Mr. Ahsan, a Qadiyani Missionary wrote: None of the resolute messengers preceding him is of the same status as our Imam, the Promised Messiah. It is supported by a Tradition: 'Had Moses and Jesus been alive they would not have had any choice except to follow me'. I, however, say that if Moses and Jesus had been alive during our Imam's time, they would perforce have followed him". Look at the ratty impudence! He has the cheek to insult and belittle the prophets and the messengers and has the brazenness to draw comparisons between them, who were selected by God, and the self-concocted Anti-christ.His Satan assists him to say: "numerous prophets have come but none surpasses me in the knowledge of God. The entire (knowledge) "imbued in them has been bestowed upon me alone, in its perfect form".
He also wrote: "All (points of) perfection found in all the prophets were found in the Prophet of Allah (peace be on him) — nay even more. Then all these perfections were transferred to me. For this reason, I was named Adam, Abraham, Moses, 'Noah, David, Joseph, Solomon, John and Jesus".
And he waffles on without pause or brake like Miss Bates in Jane Austen's novel 'Emma' or like a frustrated spinster. But the irony is that truth is engraved on the other
side of the penny. All forms of imaginable wickedness and evil are found in the person of Ghulam Ahmad himself. For this reason he made up his mind to defile the prophets and the messengers. By virtue of his being a drunkard, he accused Jesus, the prophet of God, in the words: "I held that Jesus was not free from drinking".
Again, "Messiah did not have the power to call himself righteous because people knew that he was a boozer and an an evil-doer".
In Arabic, there is a well-known proverb:
"A man judges other people in terms of his own prejudices and pre-conceptions".
He adds: "Indeed, Jesus used to drink perhaps due to some illness or old habit".
Since he himself necked around with women in the darkness of night which was obviously an unlawful act, he tried to justify his own evil indulgences behind the smoke-screen of the self-coined evil acts of Jesus, the prophet of God. In other words, he found a scape-goat in the holy person of Jesus for his immoral acts. So he wrote with gurgling arrogance:
"Indeed the family of Christ was a strange family. His three grandmothers were immoral adulteresses. From this impure blood came into being the body of Jesus Perhaps the inclination of Jesus towards prostitutes was on account of this attribute* otherwise no God-fearing person would allow his head to be massaged by a young adulteress who perfumed him out of her ill-gotten wealth. People should try to understand the character of this Messiah".
What a shame and what an unmannerly display of ungentle-manliness! Is it possible for any gentleman to accuse any one in this vein especially when the accused is a prophet of God whose chastity has been attested by God Himself through the words of the messenger: "I am the messenger of the Lord that I may give you tidings of a righteous son".
The testimony of God of the universe establishes the piety of Jesus. Therefore how dare you dispute the award of God, you criminal! how dare you challenge his piety and accuse the word and soul of God! you yourself mooched around with women unknown to you and ordered them to massage your hands and feet, and that too in the darkness of the night! The testimony of 'Al-fadl' dated 10th March, 1923 is pretty conclusive: "Indeed, the promised Messiah Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet. Therefore, there was no harm if he mixed with women, touched them and ordered them to massage his hands and feet. This, on the contrary, multiplied God's blessings on him"
You are the one who said:
"Indeed, attacking the heads of various sects, talking against them and abusing them are the most heinous and abominable acts".
What is your position in the light of this principle which you yourself formed and the law which you yourself founded? We repeat what you yourself said, for we are free from the guilt of rebuking or abusing you even though you may be an Anti-christ and an abuser of messengers and prophets. Here we make you a humble present of your own words recorded in one of your books:
"One who rebukes or abuses the holy and the select is none but vile,accursed and despicable".
But he commits a much graver and more heinous crime when he sullies the honour of the person who is the very soul of the universe and the very pride of existence, the leader of the prophets and the messengers, about whom the messengers prophesied and God took a covenant from all the prophets to respect Muhammad SAW, the Messenger of God, as the last of the prophets. This Antichrist says: "The Prophet of God (peace be on him) performed only three thousand miracles but my miracles have exceeded one million".
He also wrote: "He gave me what He did not give to anyone in the universe".
His son and vicegerent says:
''The mental range and caliber of our Imam was larger and greater than the noble Prophet, peace be on him, as the present times are more developed than those times from the point of view of civilization. This is the partial superiority attained by Ghulam Ahmad over Muhammad peace be upon him".
We wind up this discussion on brief excerpts from his own writings which may serve as points of arbitration in the debate that follows; "He is an infidel who finds fault with any prophet", and "Anyone who uses words the consequence of which is finding fault with a religious chief, implicitly or explicitly, we take him to be extremely contemptible and the worst minded of all persons" .
We beseech God to keep us alive as Muslims and make us die as Muslims. Amin.
1. Ghulam Ahmad: Tadhkirat-ush-Shahadatain p.29
2. Malfuzat-i-Ahmadiyva; Vol IV pp. 191-192.
3. Ghulam Ahmad: lja7-i-Ahmadi, p.58.
4. Malfuzat-i-Ahmadivya: Vol. I, p.731.
5. Ghulam Ahmad: Meyar-ul-Akhbar, (quoted in Tabligh-i-Risalat Vol. IX,p.30J.
6. Mdhmood Ahmad: Haqiqat-un-Nabuwwa, p.152.
7. Muhammad Hussain Qadiyani: 'AI-Mehdi' No.30. p.57.
8. A Prophetic Tradition traced by Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Tabaqat Ibn Saad Musnad of Ahmad.
9. Prophetic Tradition by Tirmidhi.
10. Prophetic Tradition traced by Bukhari.
11. Prophetic Tradition traced by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, Musnad ad-Darimi, Musnad Ahmad, Tabaqat Ibn Saad: it is reproduced in Tirmidhi, 5 words.
12. Prophetic Tradition traced by Ahmad in his Musnad and Tirmidhi in his Sahih.
13. Prophetic Tradition traced by Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Mafa, Ahmad and Ibn Saad.
14. Traditions of the Prophet by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Musnad of Ahmad and Tabaqat Ibn Saad.
15. Traditions of-the Prophet of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Musnad of Ahmad.
16. Mahmood Ahmad 'Alf ad I', October 19, 1929.
17. Noor Ahmad Qadiyani: 'Alf 3d I', August 20, 1946.
19. Paigham-i-Su!h, a Qadiyani Magazine, March 14, 1935.
20. Surah al-Maidah: 93.
21. Ghulam Qadiyani; AI-Bariya, Appendix, p.9
22. AI-Tirmidhi, An-Nisai, Musnad of Ahmad and Abu Daud. 23 AI-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja and Musnad Ahmad.
23. Ghulam Ahmad: Ijaz-i-Ahmadi, p.t8.
25. Nusrat-u-Haq: Annexture, p.140.
26. Maktoobat-i-Ahmadiyya: Vol. V, p.21.
27. Bashir Ahmad Qadiyani: Sarat-ul-Mehdi, Vol. II, p.58
28. Ahwal-ul-Ghulam, Compiled by Mirajuddin in the supplement to Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya, Vol. I, p.67.
30. Mahmood Ahmad: Maltbat Allah, p.65.
31. Surah Hud: p.29
32. Mir Qasim Alt Qadiyani: Tabligh-i-Risalat: (Petition of Ghulam Ahmad to His Excellency, the Viceroy of India, Vol. VIII, pp. 11-13.
33. Ghulam Ahmad: Kashf-ul-Ghita, p.403.
34. Ghulam Ahmad: Sitara-i-Qaisariyya, p.3.
35. Ghulam Ahmad: Haqiqat-ulWahy (Supplement) p.137.
36. Narrated by Bukhari.
37. Ghulam Ahmad: Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya.
38. Ghulam Ahmad: Nawishta-i-Ghaib, p.100.
39. Ghulam Ahmad: Aeena-i-Kamalat-t-lslam, p.573.
40. His age at that time was about fifty- He was a victim of many diseases, hypochondria, madness, urinary troubles, and probably a kind of paralysis.
41. Extract from Ghulam Ahmad's letter to Ali Sher dated 2.E.1891.
42. Bashir Ahmad: Seerat-ul-Mehdi, Vol.1, p.22.
43. Ghulam Ahmad: Nawishta-i-Ghaib.
44. Surah Yusaf: p. 51.
46. Ibid., p.22.
47. Ibid., p.21.
48. Ibid;, pp. 46, 54
49. Surah Baqarah: p.87.
50. Surah An-Nisa: p.171.
51. Surah Maryam: pp 30-33.
52. Ghulam Ahmad used these appellations for himself frequently.
53. Ghulam Ahmad: Haqiqat-ul-Wahy, p.148.
54. Maktoobat-i-Ahmadiyya: Vol. Ml, p.118.
55. Mahmood Ahmad: 'Alfadl', July 18. 1931.
56. Alfadl, March 18,1916.
57. Ghulam Ahmad: Durr-i-Tahmin pp. 287-288.
58. Malfoozat-i-Ahmadiyya Vo. IV,p.142.
59. "Review", Vol. I, 1902, p.123.
60. Ghulam Ahmad: Sat Bachan, p. 172 (marginal note)
61. Ghulam Ahmad: Safina-i-Nooh, p.65.
62. Ghulam Ahmad: Anjam-i-Atham (Supplement} p.7.
63. Surah Maryam: p,19.
64. Ghulam Ahmad: Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya, p.102.
65. AI-katab-ul-Mubeen, p. 19.
66. Ghulam Ahmad: Tadhkirat-ut-Shahdatain, p.41.
67. Haqii^t-ul-Wahy: Annexture. p. 87.
68. "Review of Religions", May, 1939.
69. Aeen-ul-Marifa,p.18.
70. Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya, p.109.
Masha'Allah a wonderful article.
ReplyDeleteMay Allah SWT reward you for this!
well being a muslim, you should have the strong believe on Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) and the last Devin book Quran, in which it is clearly mentioned that there's is no GOD but Allah and Muhammadan (pbuh) is the last prophet till the day of judgment. so there is no need to worry about this type of news but just keep your iman high and offer five times obligatory prayer and read quran daily with the help of Quran tutor to be prepare yourself for the day of judgment.